How-To Java

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How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse With Archetype

Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application like adding the JAR files, compiling code, running unit tests, creating the output jar/war file, etc. This makes the code less error-prone. Maven uses an XML configuration file known as the POM file. Developers need to specify information...

How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse Without Archetype

Maven is a very popular build and dependency management tool. Eclipse is an IDE that helps developers write and run Java code easily. In this article, I will be explaining how you can create a Maven project in Eclipse. Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application...

How To Create Singleton Class in Java

Design patterns Overview Design patterns are basically solutions to programming problems that developers normally encounter during software development. Design patterns were first documented by four authors known as the Gang of Four (GoF). Design patterns are broadly classified into creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. Creational patterns aid in object creation,...
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How To Sort List in Java

Introduction A List is an interface in the Java collection framework. It can be used to store objects. Programmers often encounter scenarios where they need to sort a List. There are several ways you can achieve this. In the next few sections, I will be going over each method in...

How To Convert String To Date in Java

Introduction There are often scenarios in programming, where you will need to convert a date in String format to an actual Date object. For example, such a scenario may occur when the date is read from an end user via a UI and sent to the back-end code. In this...

How To Concatenate Strings in Java

Introduction In Java, a String is a sequence of characters. There are often programming situations where you will need to concatenate Strings. There are several ways in which you can achieve this. In the next few sections, I will be going over each method in detail. Using + Operator The + operator...
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How To Remove Duplicates From List in Java

Introduction A List is an interface in the Java collection framework which can be used to store a group of objects. A List is ordered and it allows duplicates. However, there are often scenarios where you would need to eliminate duplicate elements from a List. There are several ways you can...

How To Convert List To Array in Java

A common scenario faced by programmers is to convert a Java List to an Array. A 'List' is part of the Collection Framework and is useful when the number of elements are unknown. An 'Array', on the other hand, is useful for fixed-size elements. However, in real-world programming, there are...

How-To Java



Basic PowerShell Commands That You Should Know

One of the key benefits of PowerShell is its object-oriented nature. Instead of working with text-based output like traditional command-line interfaces, PowerShell returns objects...

How To Always Open Files in New Tab in VSCode

The VSCode has rocketed its way to one of the top development IDEs due to its fresh look, usability, tons of feature sets, and...

How To Install Oh-My-Posh On Windows PowerShell

Oh-My-Posh is a powerful custom prompt engine for any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable....

Common OpenSSH Commands Reference

Secure Shell, sometimes referred to as Secure Socket Shell (SSH), is a protocol which allows you to connect securely to a remote computer or...


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