


How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse Without Archetype

Maven is a very popular build and dependency management tool. Eclipse is an IDE that helps developers write and run Java code easily. In this article, I will be...




How To Convert String To Date in Java

Introduction There are often scenarios in programming, where you will need to convert a date in String format to an actual Date object. For example, such a scenario may occur when the date is read from an end user via...
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Basic PowerShell Commands That You Should Know

One of the key benefits of PowerShell is its object-oriented nature. Instead of working with text-based output like traditional command-line interfaces, PowerShell returns objects that can be easily manipulated using its built-in cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets"). This makes it easy to automate complex tasks, as administrators can pipe the output...

How To Install Oh-My-Posh On Windows PowerShell

Oh-My-Posh is a powerful custom prompt engine for any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable. It does not only beautify the terminal, but it also increases the work efficiency by adding lot of features related to usability, hints, history etc....

Maven Common Commands Reference

Maven offers a good set of commands and CLI Options to carry out wide range of Dev tasks. Most of these commands are in fact Maven build life cycles, phases and goals. Here is a list of common Maven commands along with explanation. But before we go through the Maven...

Maven Build Life Cycles, Phases and Goals

Maven’s Sequential Execution In Maven, you have the option of executing a build phase or build goal. But unlike build goals, which can be called and executed individually, Maven follows a sequential or hierarchical order of execution for build phases. For example, if you run a phase that is at...
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Maven CLI Options and Switches Reference

Maven offers a good set of commands and CLI Options to carry out wide range of Dev tasks. Most of these commands are in fact Maven build life cycles, phases and goals. Here is a list of common Maven commands along with explanation. But before we go through the Maven...

How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse With Archetype

Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application like adding the JAR files, compiling code, running unit tests, creating the output jar/war file, etc. This makes the code less error-prone. Maven uses an XML configuration file known as the POM file. Developers need to specify information...

How To Create Maven Project in Eclipse Without Archetype

Maven is a very popular build and dependency management tool. Eclipse is an IDE that helps developers write and run Java code easily. In this article, I will be explaining how you can create a Maven project in Eclipse. Maven Basics Maven automates the steps involved in building a software application...

Configuring Maven Compiler Plugin (Java)

1. What is Maven Compiler Plugin The ‘Maven Compiler Plugin’ or more commonly known as 'Maven Java Compiler' is used to compile the source code of your project/application. Internally this plugin uses the standard 'javac' compiler (JDK) and as of version 3.0 of this plugin the default compiler is Unlike...
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How To Create Maven Project Using Command Line

Maven project can be easily created using built-in plugins from the popular IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. However, in scenarios where you don't or cannot use IDE, we can also create a maven project from the Maven native command line without using any IDE. In this article...

How To Create Singleton Class in Java

Design patterns Overview Design patterns are basically solutions to programming problems that developers normally encounter during software development. Design patterns were first documented by four authors known as the Gang of Four (GoF). Design patterns are broadly classified into creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. Creational patterns aid in object creation,...

Create Basic Hibernate Program

Hibernate is an ORM framework that helps in accessing database tables from Java code. It is an object-oriented way of accessing database tables and it eliminates boilerplate code that is required with JDBC. In this article, I will be explaining how you can create a basic Hibernate application that...


Format Decimal Numbers Using Locale

If you want to create a DecimalFormat instance for a specific Locale, create a NumberFormat and cast it to a DecimalFormat. The java.text.DecimalFormat class is...

Remove Duplicates from List Using Set.addAll

The Set interface has a method called addAll. This accepts a 'Collection' as the parameter. So if you invoke this method by passing the...

How To Change Your Default Linux Shell

The shell is a program that accepts and interprets commands. Besides bash, Linux supports many other shell programs, such as ksh, zsh, csh, and...

Maven CLI Options and Switches Reference

Maven offers a good set of commands and CLI Options to carry out wide range of Dev tasks. Most of these commands are in...