Convert String to java.time.LocalDate with Formatter

The LocalDate class has an overloaded parse() method. In addition to the String Date, it accepts a DateTimeFormatter instance that specifies the format of the input date. So, this can be used in case the String date is not in the yyyy-MM-dd format. The following code demonstrates this:

The following code demonstrates this:

In this case, the String date is in the dd/MM/YYYY format.  A DateTimeFormatter instance is created with this pattern. The parse() method is then invoked with the String date and the DateTimeFormatter instance. So, this code prints the following output:


You can check out the API documentation for DateTimeFormatter in order to understand the patterns that need to be specified for various date formats.

Tushar Sharma
Tushar Sharma
Hi! This is Tushar, the author of 'Automation Dojos'. A passionate IT professional with a big appetite for learning, I enjoy technical content creation and curation. Hope you are having a good time! Don't forget to subscribe and stay in touch. Wishing you happy learning!


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